[Qoo News] Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You Debut Trailers Released
The Pokemon Company Japan reveals the first trailers for this year’s Pokemon movie!
The Pokemon Company Japan reveals the first trailers for this year’s Pokemon movie!
New tweets from Street Fighter’s official twitter account and Nintendo Europe confirms global launch date for Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers!
Japanese developer Voltage has just announced an upcoming mobile otome game Anidol Colours(アニドルカラーズ). It will be released in Summer this
The release date for the highly anticipated Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challenger has just been announced!
GCREST’s mobile otome game 100 Sleeping Princes & The Kingdom of Dreams(夢王国と眠れる100人の王子様)is celebrating its second anniversary with a series of
DMM annouced a new bishojo game, Girls Cross Chronicle(ガールズクロスクロニクル), on browser and Android today (1st March). The game is now
Creators of Stick it to the Man, Zoink Games, returns with a new title for the Nintendo Switch, Flipping Death.
Mobile game Phantom of the Kill’s(ファントム オブ キル)crossover with TV anime KonoSuba! 2(この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!2)begins today (1st March).
Rumour has it that the forth season of TV anime Hell Girl(地獄少女)will air in July this year.
Swedish game developer, Image & Form Games, has released an reveal trailer for a new title for Nintendo Switch due out Summer 2017, Steam World Dig 2.