[Qoo News] Mobile otome RPG Paranormal Kiss is available for download
Mobile otome RPG Paranormal Kiss(パラノーマルキス)is finally out today (26th April). The Japanese version is now up on QooApp.
Mobile otome RPG Paranormal Kiss(パラノーマルキス)is finally out today (26th April). The Japanese version is now up on QooApp.
In celebration of the release of Marion Kart 8 Deluxe, on Friday, 28th April 2017, the Super Mario Run "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Release Event" will commence!
The hot Pokemon franchise got five awards in total, making it the biggest winner of the night.
Grani’s mobile rpg Kurokishi to Shiro no Maou(黒騎士と白の魔王)is now available for download.
Bandai Namco’s mobile rhythm game Tsukino Paradise (ツキノパラダイス。) is now available for download.
Originally set to release in April last year and later postponed to this year, the long awaited mobile RPG Laplace
Nintendo has just released a new video showcasing the new heroes that will be coming to the game in tomorrow’s (26th April) update.
Mobile RPG EGGLIA: Legend of the Redcap (エグリア~赤いぼうしの伝説~) announced an English version and a sequel story in an offline event
Square Enix’s upcoming mobile rhythm game Aozora Under Girls! (青空アンダーガールズ!) announced a beta that will be available tomorrow (26th April)
Mobile tactical RPG Terra Battle (テラバトル) will be launching a collaboration event with Final Fantasy XV (FFXV) on 28th April.