Konami’s Silent Hill Transmission broadcast unveiled several new projects, with one being Silent Hill Townfall being developed by Annapurna Interactive and No Code Studios!
No Code Studios is a Scottish studio that developed other titles such as the 2020 Sci-fi thriller, Observation, and the episodic horror-adventure collection, Stories Untold. not much else is known about the title though the trailer gives us a few clues, with it involving an unknown group of men being punished by something with horrors waiting ahead for them, and set in a misty town.
No release date or platforms have been announced for Silent Hill Townfall.
▍About Silent Hill Townfall
Silent Hill Townfall seems like it will be taking place in the United States in an era before digital media, so sometime during or before the early 2000’s, with old phones and what looks like a Mini CRTV device.
As the trailer proceeds we find out a little more of the backstory, with two voices speaking to each other, with one person being told he is here to “be punished” for being involved in something so awful, being judged by “these people”.

As the trailer progresses we can see glimpses of what could be the game’s setting, with a misty town being visible reminiscent of Silent Hill, before creatures and monsters briefly flash on the TV’s screen with one attacking the camera, man, and one reaching deep into a gigantic gash in its chest.
While it’s still too early to say what Silent Hill Townfall could be about, my guess is it’s about an experiment on a town gone awry, with the instigators now being punished by their experiments. While some accept their fate, some others seem to be searching for something within the leftovers of the experiment, whether to end it or find something sinister within.

Along with Silent Hill Townfall, Konami’s Silent Hill Transmission Livestream also announced a remake of the 2001 Silent Hill 2 survival horror game and a new game titled Silent Hill f and Return to Silent Hill movie.