[Qoo News] Monster Strike x Dengeki Bunko livestream report: Kirito and Asuna join the fight starting 17/10!
Eight light novels participate in the crossover!
Eight light novels participate in the crossover!
Middle-earth: Shadow of War has just been released, before we take a look at the new game, here’s an overview of the mobile version of Shadow of War released!
Let’s meet the creators of NieR: Automata, Yoko Taro and Youske Saito!
During the Dragon Quest Rivals Live-Stream today (9th October 2017), Square Enix announced that Dragon Quest Rivals will be released later this year in November and that pre-registration for the game will go live following the live-stream.
This week classic characters appear in new games for the mobile platform, from Bleach to all the iconic Capcom characters in Puzzle Fighter!
Two games announced – God Eater Resonant Ops and God Eater 3.
The new game called IS Archetype Breaker will also be available on browser.
Ken Kaneki is gone. This is Haise Sasaki.
Crystal of Re:union is now available in English!
If you are tired of personified swords and animals, try personified Japanese letters.