【Qoo News】SQUARE ENIX “Schoolgirl Strikers” decision to be streamed on TV! Coming out on January 2017


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SQUARE ENIX’s mobile game “Schoolgirl Strikers (スクールガールストライカーズ)” have decided to transform the game to an anime series (24th) yesterday (iOS/Android) and it is planned to be released January 2017.

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Title for the animation series will be “Schoolgirl Strikers Animation Channel”. Maker of [Toaru Majutsu no Index],  Inspect of the well known anime company J.C.STAFF is in charge. A grand theme is applied to suit the game.

“School Strikers” is a [Mini Romance RPG] by SQUARE ENIX. In the game, the player is a captain that will lead your hand picked female student formed special force [Fifth Force(フィ フス・フォース)]. You will go to battle with the [demons(オブリ)] that are trying to interrupt world peace. A very mysterious story experience.


1UY2fzg Schoolgirl Strikers 2 SQUARE ENIX Co.,Ltd. 評分: 4.4 安裝