Mobile game Fate/Grand Order (iOS/Android) has announced a new year summoning pack, Fukubukuro Summons 2017(福袋召喚2017). It will be available from 12:00am, 1st January to 2:59pm, 11th January.
The Fukubukuro Summons, which requires in-app purchase, ensures a 5★ SSR servant in a 10 gacha roll. There are 30 quartzs in the pack, and players can choose one class (seven classes available) to proceed summoning.
Classes available in Fukubukuro Summons 2017
▼Saber summoning pool
▼Acher summoning pool
▼Lancer summoning pool
▼Rider summoning pool
▼Assassin + EXTRA summoning pool
▼Caster summoning pool
▼Berserker summoning pool
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