Publisher Success and developer Beeworks announced that the iconic Touch Detective point-and-click mystery adventure game series will be re-released on Nintendo Switch as Touch Detective: Rina and the Funghi Case Files on October 6.
The Nintendo Switch version will include all Touch Detective games originally released on the Nintendo DS and 3DS, as well as the DLC that was released for the now-defunct iOS version of the game.

The main gimmick of the game was taking advantage of the two screens, so in order to port the game to the Switch, the developers have stated that the screen structure and button operations will be adjusted, and some of the graphics and text display will be made higher quality. Touch screen operation will also be supported, making the game even easier to play.

▍Touch Detective: Rina and the Funghi Case Files Content
- Touch Detective (Nintendo DS on April 13, 2006)
- Touch Detective 2 ½ (Nintendo DS, May 24, 2007)
- Touch Detective Rising 3: Does Funghi Dream of Bananas? (Nintendo 3DS May 1, 2013)
- Funghi the Escaper and Funghi the Interviewer, both of which were additional content released for the iOS version of Touch Detective, which has already been shut down years ago.

▍Exclusive Switch Addition: Touch Encyclopedia!
The Nintendo Switch version includes a collection of over 500 digital materials including initial artwork, rough sketches, character images, and more!

▍Touch Detective Characters
■ Rina Ozawa (Mackenzie)
The lead character of the game. As a young girl, she runs a detective agency with the help of Cromwell. Her personality is the most “ordinary”, in contrast to the otherwise bizarre world around her.

■ Nameko
A living mushroom that is kept as a pet by Mackenzie and travels with her as she moves about town.

■ Robo-Nameko
The robotic version of the living mushroom that is kept as a pet by Mackenzie.

■ Cromwell
Butler for Mackenzie and also a genius inventor. Cromwell is a man who has worked for Mackenzie’s family for over 300 years. He is often coming up with inventions, and becomes disgruntled if he isn’t given the chance to show them off to others.

■ Chitose
A girl in town, and a friend of Mackenzie, tends to be her rival in trying to solve cases. Chloe generally takes action before figuring out the consequences on herself or those around her, such as when she broke into and ransacked Penelope’s apartment for evidence.

■ Manami
One of the girls that live in the condominiums in town and a friend of Mackenzie. Her parents are very rich, and thus she enjoys a lavish lifestyle.

■ Officer Dahlia
A police captain who has come to catch a phantom thief. She has a reputation for being beautiful, but she keeps missing the phantom thief. She suffers from back pain and has trouble with vehicles and heights.

■ Shirou Tachi
A famous boy detective whose goal is to become the world’s best detective. He visits the town to play detective with Rina.