Bandai Namco announced the release of Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Steam on November 2. The title’s latest trailer as well as details about the title’s bonus content have also been revealed.
Friends of the Great Kingdom is the latest entry to the Doraemon Story of Seasons series, in which the internationally famous character, Doraemon, appears in the world of the Story of Seasons video games – a beloved title for over 20 years now.

▍Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom Release Date Trailer
▍Pre-order Bonus & Deluxe Edition
As an early purchase bonus for the package version and pre-order bonus content for the digital version, the game will come with a Summer Wear Set, Home Furniture Set, and Sweet Seeds Set.

There is also a Deluxe Edition, which contains the main game, Season Pass, Digital Soundtrack with over 80 music tracks, and Seasonal Vegetables Seeds Set as a purchase bonus. The three Season Pass will contain costumes for the five characters, furniture, and mini-scenarios, but the details will be revealed at a later date.

▍Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom Gameplay
In Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom, the beautiful storybook feel of the game’s world has been upgraded further by the addition of more realistic features including natural light, wind, and environmental sound effects.
In addition to the quests found in all of the Story of Seasons games, such as raising crops and caring for animals, a wide range of unique Doraemon-themed activities using secret gadgets are also available – with new games and gameplay elements added, as well as a touching and inspiring new story for this new title. Get ready to embark on the next chapter in your farmstead life!