Pokemon Masters EX Celebrates 3rd Anniversary With Ash Ketchum, Freebies, and More!


Pokemon Masters EX is celebrating its third anniversary, adding new sync pairs, game modes, events and of course, log-in bonuses. To cap all of the anniversary additions off, the game is adding Ash Ketchum to Pokemon Masters, marking the first time Ash has ever been playable in a Pokemon game!

You can add Ash to your team via the Ash Master fair Scout until October 16, 10:59 [PST]. New events are also available featuring duos, allowing you to fight Ash in a Blazing Battle, and new event stories and battles!

Pokemon Masters’ Third Anniversary is available now until October 16.

Celebrate Pokemon Masters EX's 3rd Anniversary, with Ash Ketchum, New Sygna Suits, Free Giovanni, 100 Free Pulls and so much more!

Pokemon Masters EX Ash and Pikachu Reveal Trailer

Ash is Finally Playable!

For the first time in all of Pokemon’s history, Ash Ketchum from the Pokemon anime series is finally playable in a game, and not just a reference!

You can pick up the Master Sync Pair in the Ash Master Fair Scout. Unleash moves like B Thunderbolt, a formidable attack that increases in power the higher the Move Gauge, or Best Buds 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt, a cinematic sync move that features Pikachu donning a cap to deploy!

Ash Pikachu Banner

Pokemon Masters EX New Sygna Suits

Two new Signa suits are available for Cynthia and Red! These two powerful Sygna suits are available in their individual Master Fair Scouts, available until October 2, with Red’s Sygna suit being available a little later on August 31, 11:00 [PST]

■ Sygna Suit Cynthia (Aura) & Lucario

This Fighting-type sync pair can power up allies while reducing the amount of damage taken with its master passive skill, Sinnoh Flag Bearer. If this sync pair is hit twice, it unlocks their Buddy Move, B Aura Sphere, , damaging the opponent and accelerating the Move Gauge, and boosting the attacks of all allied sync pairs!

Sygna Suit Cynthia Aura Lucario Banner

Sygna Suit Red (Thunderbolt) & Pikachu

This Electric-type sync pair can Dynamax during battle, allowing Pikachu to drastically increase in size to unleash a max move like G-Max Volt Crash, which paralyzes all enemy sync pairs.

Sygna Suit Red Thunderbolt Pikachu Banner

Free Classic Giovanni and Persian!

By playing the new Special Synd Pair Event, you can earn Giovanni and Persian for free! This sync pair’s passive, Panic button boosts the Move gaugae the first time you are in a pinch during battle, and you can pick them up now until September 14, 10:59 [PST].

Giovanni Classic Persian Banner

New Feature – The Trainer Lodge!

A new game mode, the Trainer Lodge has been added to Pokemon Masters EX! Talk to your favorite trainers, and give them presents to build friendships with them, and take Scrapbook photos and get new friendship stories to earn EXP and additional rewards!

Trainer Lodge Banner

100 Free Scouts and 3000 Free Gems?!

It wouldn’t be an annniversary without loads of freebies. Players that log-in to the game from now until September 14, can get a 10-Pair Scout Ticket! If you log in for 10 more days during this period, you’ll keep getting more 10-Pair Scout Tickets, totaling to 100 free pulls!

100 Sync Pairs for Free Banner

You can also get 3,000 Gems right now just by logging into the game, and if you keep logging in from now until September 13, you’ll get 3,300 more gems!

Three Year Anniversary Gem Present Banner

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