Granblue Fantasy x One Piece Film Red Collab Begins on September 14; Unveils New Characters!


Cygames’ Granblue Fantasy is collaborating with One Piece Film Red on September 14.

Like the other collaborations, the film had with other games, members of the Straw Hats currently including Luffy, Nami, Robin, And Usopp are joining Granblue Fantasy, along with One Piece Film Red’s lead character, Uta.

The game’s Twitter is going to be updated daily with new posts featuring a character from One Piece Film Red making it to the game, so make sure to check back daily!

Granblue Fantasy x One Piece Film Red Characters

Check out the artwork previews of the One Piece characters joining the game!

Monkey D. Luffy – CV: Mayumi Tanaka

Granblue Fantasy

Nami and Nico Robin – CV: Akemi Okamura, Yuriko Yamaguchi

One piece film red 00 2

■ Uta – CV: Kaori Nazuka

One piece film red 00 1

Usopp – CV: Kappei Yamaguchi

One piece film red 00 4

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