Game publisher Crest announced it will be joining Tokyo Game Show 2022 , with its an exhibit of games including new information on Metallic Child, a trial run of its challenging platformer ALTF4, and more info on the upcoming Dimension Girl rogue-lite side scroller.
Additional titles that are also scheduled to show up at their booth, include Aria Chronicle, Project Tachyon, and Black Witchcraft, games that have been released by the company by the time TGS 2022 rolls around.
While Crest doesn’t seem to be holding a live stream, you can find any new info they release for their games on its Twitter over the course of the event.
▍Games from Crest at TGS 2022
Below are all of the games being exhibited at TGS 2022. Let’s take a look at games featured at Crest’s exhibit, and what new info we could expect from them!
■ Dimension Girl
Crest’s latest project, Dimension Girl is being featured at the Tokyo Game Show, This wacky adventure features the dimension traveling young girl Akukan Koneru, and the combat android Socrates she inhabits, has you exploring this wacky world as a side-scrolling action rogue-lite, running across a stylized Shinjuku defeating monsters.
Akukan Koneru is the brainchild of Dimension Mind, a 3D artist and animator. Koneru is a young girl that can embody any living being by living in their 2D space, appearing seemingly on top of whoever they embody, while also being able to control their movements.

■ AltF4
AltF4 is a challenging 3D platformer built on incredibly difficult jumps, obstacles, and cheap deaths. The goal of the game is to navigate through obstacle-course style levels with precision jumps and perfect timing. The game is meant to induce rage and trial and error, testing your patience to see if you can finish the game before you hit that sweet Alt+F4 key.
AltF4 is featuring a trial run of the game at TGS 2022, possibly attendees to complete a specific level to earn a prize.

■ Metallic Child
Metallic Child is an action rogue-like created by Studio HG and Crest. a 3D Action Rogue-lite where you control Rona, the Metallic child in a bit to stand up against a fleet of gigantic designed by her own creator, Doctor Irene.
Expect to see more information on Metallic Child from TGS 2022, with the game celebrating its anniversary on September 16. Could we expect to see some news on DLC, or even some additional free content?