[Qoo Review] Desert Island Fishing a Fun, Casual, Pixelated Fishing Experience


Created by Springloaded Ltd., Desert Island Fishing is a casual pixel art fishing (unreleased) game that has a different take on fishing. The game is also the winner of a Google best of 2016 Indie Games Award!

Unlike most fishing titles which heavily focuses on reeling in fishes, Desert Island Fishing casts its focus on controlling how deep your lure sinks to attract different fishes, items, and plantation.

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The game really is simple. players complete collections to level up the different characters stuck on each island. Players can choose to enhance different stats that would affect how easily your character reels up the catch.

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The game features 7 islands, with additional islands which players will have to figure out how to unlock.



Despite not having an incredibly realistic reeling system, Desert Island Fishing still offers a great fishing experience to players. The game is by no means competitive and each catch takes only a couple of seconds to complete, giving players great flexibility on how long they play.

Each island has an immense amount of content that players can explore through upgrading their characters, which personally I find great. Unlocking an island doesn’t mean you’ll just abandon the previous ones.

A unique part of the gameplay is that plays have to use a combination of depth, lure, and hooks to catch specific items or fish. This really gives players a sense of exploration and discovery.

Desert Island Fishing Google Play link