[Qoo News] Adult game Dies irae’s anime and mobile game coming in late 2017


Adult visual novel Dies irae (ディエス・イレ) will have its first anime adaption coming in October, while the mobile spin-off is coming this Winter.

The anime version is currently in production at ACGT studio and directed by the Mardock Scramble series’ director Susumu Kudo. The voice actors who use pseudonyms in the R18 game will reprise their roles in the show using their real names.

A key visual is also made public today alongside the release date.


The first preview video was released in March this year.

The mobile game Dies irae Pantheon (ディエス・イレ パンテオン) will come out in Winter with no clear date specified. It is produced by Light and Super Appli. The scriptwriter for the original game, Takashi Masada, will still be responsible for the story.


Originally developed by Light for PC, Dies irae is set in modern Japan where monstrous sorcerers Longinus Dreizehn Orden are there to seize the treasures that allow the owner to gain great power.

Official site (mobile): http://dies-p.net
Official site (anime): http://diesirae-anime.com