CyberStep’s latest mobile RPG Q&Q Answers (Q&Qアンサーズ) for iOS/Android is now available for pre-registration. Q&Q Answers is scheduled for release in July 2017.
Pre-Registration Bonuses:
5000 pre-registered: Summon Token
10000 pre-registered: Summon Token
15000 pre-registered: Summon Token
20000 pre-registered: Summon Token
30000 pre-registered: Summon Token for a character of the highest rarity tier.
Ayaka Ohashi (大橋彩香) Special Offline Event:
On 22nd July, Officials will be hosting an offline at Akihabara’s UDX. The event will feature some of the game’s voice actors including Ayaka Ohashi – the voice of Cial (シャル), Ediko Matsui (松井惠理子) – voice of Sophy (ソフィ), and Rie Takahashi (高橋李依) – voice of Lita (リタ).
![[Qoo News] New Mobile RPG Q&Q Answers Starts Pre-Registration 4 17063003391466](
![[Qoo News] New Mobile RPG Q&Q Answers Starts Pre-Registration 5 17063003375245](
![[Qoo News] New Mobile RPG Q&Q Answers Starts Pre-Registration 6 17063003364122](
Additionally, the game has also started a four koma manga series.
四コマ漫画の第一弾! これからも連載が続けば、いずれほんとの遊び方講座ができるかも… ◤●ㅅ●◥ もしよかったら応援よろしくお願いします! #QnQアンサーズ あ、あと、ゲームの中で主人公は男の子と女の子のどちらかが選べます。
— 【公式】Q&Qアンサーズ (@QnQ_Official) June 29, 2017