Based off anime series Osomatsu-san, D-techno’s mobile puzzle Puzzmatsu-san (パズ松さん) will have a new version coming in Summer. The updated game titled New Puzzmatsu-san: Shinpin Sotsugyou Keikaku (にゅ~パズ松さん 新品卒業計画) is now ready for pre-registration.
Retaining the original game’s system and characters, New Puzzmatsu-san will introduce new stories, character awakening and new character skills.
▍Pre-Registration Rewards
Osomatsu-san (おそ松さん) is an anime series based on Fujio Akatsuka’s 1962 manga series Osomatsu-kun (おそ松くん), which revolves around all sorts of mischief caused by the sextuplet Matsuno brothers.
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