Line: Monster Farm Unveils New Trailer and Starts Pre-Registration


While Line: Monster Farm was delayed from its 2022 release to 2023, the developers have made up for it slightly by releasing a new trailer and opening the game for pre-registration.

You can pre-register for the game now on the official website by following the game’s official Twitter or through Line. The App Store and Play Store pages will be opened on a separate date. Pre-registration will help all players earn diamonds, AP restoration drinks, summoning tickets and more.

Line: Monster Farm is set to debut for iOS and Android devices in 2023.

Line: Monster Farm Promotional Video

Line: Monster Farm Pre-Registration Rewards

Pre-registration for Line: Monster Farm is officially underway. Pre-registering has a chance to give a bunch of rewards for all players, including diamonds, coins, memory points, training speed up items, gacha tickets and more!

Pre-Registration Rewards (Cumulative):
100,000 Players: 150 Diamonds (1x Gacha), AP Drink x10
150,000 Players: 150 Diamonds (1x Gacha), Breeder Coin x 4000
200,000 Players: 300 Diamonds (2x Gacha), Memory Points x2000
250,000 Players: 300 Diamonds (2x Gacha), Speed up Hour Glass x10
300,000 Players: 300 Diamonds (2x Gacha), Monster Resurrection Ticket x3
400,000 Players: 300 Diamonds (2x Gacha), Ascension Fruit x1

Line: Monster Farm Pre-Regist Rewards

About Line: Monster Farm

Monster Farm, also known as Monster Rancher, is a Japanese media franchise and series of life simulation RPGs created by Tecmo. The core of the game has players engage in its unique breeding system to create different monsters. Players can influence their stats and appearances through music, battle, and training!

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To become the best breeder in the world, first you’ll need to acquire new monsters. Since this is a Line game, players are encouraged to have as many friends and contacts in their Line as possible, and then you can summon monsters based on your contacts into your game! This way you can get new monsters, or old ones to breed with for new combinations.

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Then its up to you to train your monsters! You can interact with them and send them on training regiments to increase their various stats. The more successful the training and what you choose to train, the stronger they’ll become, increasing their stats and also letting you bond with your favorite monster!

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After all that’s said and then, it’s time to bring your monsters with you to the arena. Here you will fight against Ai opponents and compete with other players to rise to the top and become the best monster breeder.

Battle is done in the classic Monster Farm style, with monsters facing off in 1 on 1 combat, and you’ll have to select an attack for them to do based on their guts, with the winner being the most prepared monster!

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LINE: Monster Farm LINE Corporation Rate: 4.2 Install