Publisher Prime Matter and developer Arrowiz announced that they will be releasing the near future mystery RPG Mato Anomalies for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on March 10, 2023. A new trailer was also streamed in conjunction with the announcement.
Mato Anomalies is a turn-based RPG that takes players on a journey across Mato, a fantasized neo-futuristic version of the Old Shanghai. Take control of the Dual Protagonists Doe and Gram to investigate strange anomalies around the city, or venture into rifts to battle demonic abominations determined to bring about the city’s downfall. Team up with unlikely companions and unravel the dark secrets in this story of Duty, Hope, and Justice.
The game will feature English and Japanese voice-overs, as well as English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Japanese subtitle options.

▍Mato Anomalies Release Date Trailer
▍Mato Anomalies Story
Mato isn’t a normal city, but it pretends to be. Who could’ve imagined the evil hiding beneath the surface?
Such difficult situations bring together unlikely people. Just like our protagonists, young private detective Doe, and the mysterious exorcist Gram.
Utilizing their respective skills they head out to unravel the mystery of Mato and defeat the evil force trying to bring about its downfall.
Will justice prevail? Or will our heroes fall victim to corruption?

▍Mato Anomalies Gameplay
Find clues throughout Mato by talking to NPCs, taking on missions, and visiting shops to pinpoint Rifts, portals to the demonic creatures attacking the city. Enter at your peril and defeat them in battle and collect abundant rewards.

Dual Worlds
Traverse across Mato, a neo-futuristic version of Old Shanghai. Beneath its surface lies another world. Discover Rifts that act as portals into a place beyond space and time, filled with powerful enemies.

Corrupt or Corrupted
Insidious factions are somehow involved in the dark fate befalling Mato. Can our heroes find out what’s going on? Or will they themselves fall victim to despair and corruption?

Band of Misfits
The enemy of your enemy is your friend. Difficult circumstances make for unlikely friendships. Find new allies during your investigations and gain their trust through conversation and shared experiences.

Smart Combat
Mato Anomalies provides a unique and challenging battle experience highlighted by shared health across all team members, gear matrix, and dual-talent system. A unique combat strategy will be needed if you want to succeed!