Crunchyroll and the developers behind the co-op multiplayer RPG Mitrasphere announced on Twitter and in-game that the global server of the game will be shutting down next month on February 1, 16:00 [UTC].
The announcement was only made on the English side of the game, as the Japanese version of the title where it originated is still going strong when it was released on August 7 2017. Mitrasphere’s English server will shut down after a service lifetime of 1 year and 8 months after it was initially released on June 29, 2021.
Unlike most titles it doesn’t seem like Mitrasphere is suspending its in-app purchases ahead of the game’s shutdown, but since the game will be gone in less than a month, you probably don’t want to spend anymore money on the game since all of it will be erased soon.

▍About Mitrasphere
Mitrasphere is a co-op online multiplayer RPG for mobile devices. Players pick between one of 5 classes to battle it out against enemies and bosses with other players. Combat is done in real time with characters attacking automatically and you being able to issue commands during combat.
As a multiplayer game, the game relies heavily on cooperation with other players and is far easier with more players. Every stage can be played with multiple players and will have a multiplayer room setup when you begin the stage, where other players who happen to be doing the same level will join up to tackle it together.
Mitrasphere has a rating of 4.0 on the QooApp Game Store.