Developed by Yamato Crew and Real Cierto, anime series Space Battleship Yamato’s (宇宙戦艦ヤマト) mobile game, Star Blazers 2202: Hero’s Record (宇宙戦艦ヤマト2202 戦士たちの記憶 -Hero’s Record-), is now ready for pre-registration.
The game is a faithful adaption of the ongoing animation film Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Warriors of Love (宇宙戦艦ヤマト 2202 愛の戦士たち). It will retell the movie’s story with new characters introduced. The plot is set in the year of 2202. Yamato has come back to earth for three years, but the seemingly peaceful time is approaching the end, which prompts the giant spaceship to leave for an adventure again.
The game will be released in Summer 2017.