IO Interactive and Square Enix are looking to simplify buying the Hitman games, with its upcoming rebranding of Hitman 3 to Hitman: World of Assassination.
As stated in IO interactive’s blog post, on January 26 the company will be rebranding Hitman 3 and also removing Hitman 1 and Hitman 2 on digital storefronts. The goal is to make it so now Hitman: World of Assassination is the only game version of these games players will need to buy, as this title will include all of the content from Hitman 1, Hitman 2, and its Standard Access pass, and Hitman 3’s base content.

Players that already own Hitman 3 will be automatically upgraded to Hitman: World of Assassination. IO is also putting out “complete the set” DLC packs to either buy all of the DLC and expansion content added in previous entries or if you already own some DLC, purchase the remaining DLC content.

While Hitman 1 and 2 will be removed from digital storefronts, you can still play them exactly as you’ve purchased them, though the missions and content available in those games will be available in World of Assassinations, with all of the gameplay improvements added in Hitman 3.
▍About Hitman 3
Hitman 3 is a 2021 stealth action game developed by IO Interactive and despite its name is actually the eighth main entry in the Hitman series, and also the third and last entry in the World of Assassination Trilogy.
The Hitman game appropriately has you playing as a hitman named Agent 47. You are tasked with heading into a level to kill a target while leaving no trace of you ever being there. Disguises, traps, accidents, and the environment are all at your disposal in creating the ultimate accident and leaving the scene as a silent assassin. Scenarios can be completed in a variety of ways, as the series prides itself on the creative freedom it offers to players and completionists.