Season: A letter to the future Unveils Story Trailer Featuring its Unique Setting


Scavengers Studio has released a story trailer for its upcoming narrative adventure game Season: A letter to the future, officially announced at The Game Awards 2020, which will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store on January 31.

The game will be fully voiced in English, French, and Japanese, and will have subtitles support for English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Chinese (simplified and traditional) languages.

In Season: A letter to the future, players take on the role of a young woman from a secluded village who explores the world on her bicycle for the first time, collecting memories before a cataclysm wipes everything out. The game is a quest to discover a new world; one unknown yet familiar. Players must document, photograph, and record life as they find it, while they still can.

The trailer shares a deeper look into the world and the emotional and exhilarating story with visually stunning images. The video also introduces some of the characters players will meet on their journey, each of whom is facing a monumental change. Players will support them in these moments and try to understand this season and the mystery of why it will come to an end.

QooApp Season 1
QooApp Season 2
QooApp Season 3
QooApp Season 4
QooApp Season 5
QooApp Season 6

Season: A letter to the future Gameplay

The gameplay focuses on exploring, recording, meeting others, and unraveling the strange world around you. At any point, you can hop off your bike and equip a recording tool from your bag.

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Each captures a different element; sounds and music, art and architecture, voices of old people, vanishing religious practices, and the traces of seasons long past. Your tools help you examine the world more closely until you’re able to grasp the culture, history, and ecology underneath everything.

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A bicycle road trip: Wind your way through stunning landscapes on your bicycle and take in each moment. Your journey will take 6 to 12 hours, depending on how much you linger. You should linger. It’s a game about lingering.

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A compelling narrative: Discover a new world; one unknown yet familiar. Contemplate and make difficult choices that could affect how the story ends. Select and capture the most important moments from the current season to preserve them for future generations.

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Document, photograph, and record: Collect memories, make recordings, and piece together the secrets of the world of SEASON in a highly customizable journal.

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Emotionally complex characters: Meet a diverse cast of characters, each of whom has two precious things to share with you: the stories of their lives and a moment together at the end of the season.

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Immersive Soundtrack: Listen to the gorgeous score as you travel through the world; music is embedded in the landscapes, and evolves and drifts as you do.

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