At yesterday’s Digimon Con 2023, Bandai Namco announced a new multimedia project Digimon Seekers to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Digimon franchise. The project will consist of a novel series, trailers, and merchandise. The novel will begin serializing on April 3 in Japanese, English, and Chinese, and will serialize weekly for a year.
The story of Digimon Seekers is set in the dawn of digital world research, an ensemble drama with the theme of people intermingling in the real and digital worlds. According to the projects’ staff, the name “Seekers” comes from how the characters search for what’s important to them the two worlds.
▍ Digimon Seekers Worldview & Story
The Digital World—is a land that is entirely unlike anything humans are used to living in. This cyberspace built upon the network is home to digital monsters known as Digimon.
The discovery of these AI lifeforms was both a blessing and a curse to human society, which currently relies on the network to manage everything in their world.
Eiji Nagasumi is 19 years old, a “loser” cracker who earns daily money with dangerous work related to the Digital World. One day, Professor Ryusenji of the Tokyo Cyber University entrusts Eiji with a Digimon Linker, the newest model of Digimon dock—along with a Digimon. When Eiji meets Loogamon, a Wolf Digimon with a mysterious interface on its head, his life is changed completely.
Judge is a righteous hacker who hates crackers. The Dugipolice, also known as the Investigative Unit Eleven of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Cybercrimes Division whose mission is to stop Digimon crimes. As well as the Sons of Chaos (SoC), an extremist crack team led by legendary cracker Tartarus…
Ryusenji sends Eiji to infiltrate and investigate SoC. He discovers that they are planning a widescale cyberterror attack. What is the special skill known as Mind Link? What are the answers to Loogamon’s missing past and actual specs? Will Eiji come out on top in the Digital World and turn his life around…? This is the beginning of a Digimon story steeped in chaos.
▍ Digimon Seekers Vital Bracelet BE
One of the first few pieces of merch is now accepting pre-orders via the PREMIUM Bandai store (available only in Japan).
■ DIGIMON Linker Band
A set of blue bands that attach to the Vital Bracelet BE series, and allows your Vital Bracelet to look like Eiji!
■ Loogamon Dim
A Dim chip for the Vital Bracelet BE that contains Loogamon, the partner Digimon of the main character of Digimon Seekers! Raise your own Loogamon and discover his evolutionary tree!
■ Bonus: Diecut Stickers
A set of die-cut stickers will be included with your purchase!