The anime adaptation of Marvelous’ hit Otome mobile game, Sengoku Night Blood (戦刻ナイトブラッド) for iOS/Android, will air in October. Official theme song MVs have been gradually released, the newest addition features Sanada Yukimura (voiced by Daiki Yamashita (山下大輝)).
The new MV released features Moonlight Beam, the Sanada army theme song performed by Sanada Yukimura voiced by Daiku Yamashita.
Sengoku Night Blood is a turn-based RPG from the otome project Senbura, which is jointly produced by Idea Factory, Kadokawa and Marvelous. The characters are designed by most famous illustrators who have worked for other notable Otomate games. The background of the game is the Sengoku period, in which players are able to romance Sengoku warriors.