A television anime adaptation of Akihiro Ononaka’s Gushing over Magical Girls comedy-fantasy manga has been confirmed, coinciding with the release of the manga’s ninth volume. In addition, a special illustration by the author was revealed to commemorate the announcement of the anime adaptation.
Gushing over Magical Girls follows Utena Hiiragi, a junior high school girl who yearns to become a magical girl, and suddenly became the executive of the evil organization Enormita. While tormenting the members of Tres Magia, her favorite magical girl, Utena develops a sadistic talent, which results in a sadistic magical comedy full of love and pain.
To commemorate the anime adaptation, a giveaway campaign is being held on the official Twitter account of the manga’s publisher. Ten lucky winners will receive an original canvas art with Akihiro Ononaka’s autograph, however, prizes will only distribute within Japan.
▍About Gushing Over Magical Girls
Mahō Shōjo ni Akogarete, known as I admire magical girls, and… in Japan, is a magical girl manga series by Akihiro Ononaka. It began serialization on Takeshobo’s website Storia Dash in 2019. The manga has been published digitally in English as Gushing over Magical Girls by J-Novel Club since June 1, 2022.
The story follows Utena Hiiragi, an ordinary girl who has always dreamed of becoming a magical girl. One day, a doll-like figure appears before her and offers to give her special powers to become a magical girl. Excitedly accepting the offer, Hiiragi transforms into a villain instead of a hero.
Despite her disinterest in joining the forces of evil, Utena finds herself leading a group of villains and battling against magical girls who are trying to stop them. As the battles continue, She discovers that she enjoys inflicting pain on others and starts to develop a sadistic side to her personality. As a result, Utena tries to balance her love for magical girls with her new life as a villain and leader of the Enormita organization.