[Qoo Review] First Look at SNK’s You Are The Hero



SNK has released their latest mobile title, You Are The Hero, earlier this week. Here are my first impressions of the game so far.

What is You Are The Hero?


You Are The Hero is SNK’s latest mobile RPG which supports up to four-player co-op and features a location-based raid-like system with massive Kaijin for players to fight.

You Are The Hero is set in Japan, after the fall of a “Heroic Meteor”, teenagers from across the globe began developing supernatural powers. Those who use their powers for villainy were called Kaijin (怪人), and those who use them for good and justice are called Heroes (ヒーロー). The main story revolves around the fight between Heroes and Kaijin.


17080907004985Boku no Hero Academia resemblance – Appeals to fans of the series, the octopus monster somewhat reminds me of One Punch Man
Game System isn’t common – RTE combat system isn’t a common system, but it’s not the best out there
Character designs – Characters look good but resembles Boku no Hero Academia
Auto System  – Auto-play and Auto-Clear Stage features are good if you do stick with the game


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Too much Boku no Hero Academia resemblance – lacks originality
Shard based system – A LOT of farming required.
Too much to upgrade – Level Up, Power Up, Skill Level Up, Awaken, all upgrades require different chips
Quality of the overall graphics – Illustrations are quite nice if you ignore how low res they are

First Impression


Disappointing. The game’s character design, voice over cast, and audio is solid, but unfortunately the character models in the actual combat scenes, the combat system, and the game’s system itself isn’t living up to expectations.


The game is designed in a way that players has to farm meticulously to fully deck out one character, but the gameplay isn’t especially captivating in any way. The combat is made in a way where players are meant to be rewarded by playing manually, but all the characters have identical real-time event sequences, making the actual combat feel more like a chore than an actual game.

Initially the game does feel somewhat fresh, however, it doesn’t really take long before you see pass the illusions of different visual effects to discover at all you’re really doing is tapping at the right time. When Square Enix’s Project Tokyo Dolls made players play manually, at least they had to the decency to give players a variety of sequences.

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The game does make it easier for players to farm for materials with an auto-clear system which uses stamina to automatically clear the stage, but to be honest if the combat is done right, it shouldn’t need a function like this. With how many shards (chips/materials) you need in this game, you’ll be needing this function if you stick with the game.

To put it simply, the game isn’t doesn’t bring anything unique to the table. It’s a new game, but from a player’s perspective, the game lacks originality. I’ve already done all these things in other games, and some do them better than this one, there isn’t really a reason for me to do it all over again for a game where even the characters seem to lack originality.

You Are The Hero!! SNK CORPORATION :