Developers Young Horses announced it is bringing the PS5 launch title Bugsnax to iOS devices including iPhones, iPadOS, and tvOS this summer.
The game originally launched for the PS5, PS4, and PC back on November 12, 2020, with its additional ports to Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Steam on April 28, 2022. The game will be coming to iOS with a new touch-based control scheme and is also playable with third-party gamepads.
When asked about the game’s future on Android devices, Young Horses said: “We don’t have plans for an Android release right now, but we may consider it in the future”. While it may not be coming to Android devices any time soon, its arrival in iOS and touch-based control schemes does show its viability.
▍About Bugsnax
Bugsnax is a first-person adventure game developed by Young Horses, a company formed by Kevin Zuhn to create Octodad: Deadliest Catch after the success of the original.
Players explore a whimsical island full of creatures that are half-bug-half-snack, to go on a search for a missing explorer. Throughout the game players will catch different species of Bugsnax, with over 100 varieties of them roaming the island based on the multiple biomes and times of day.

You can use a variety of equipment including the SnaxScope, which lets you scan each of the snax to learn their individual patterns and clues as to how to capture it, such as using slingshots to fire condiments and bait or setting up traps.