Powerwash Simulator announced it’s getting another piece of paid downloadable content, this time featuring the homes in Bikini Bottom, in the SpongeBob SquarePants Special Pack coming in Summer 2023.
The special pack is a love letter to the original series, creating a new map in the distinct cartoonish art style of the cartoon series, in collaboration with the team at Nickelodeon. To fit right in with the new environment, the player model has been a facelift with a new custom-designed power washer, as you explore six new maps including Conch Street, The Bikini Bottom Bus, The Krusty Krab, The Patty Wagon, The Invisible Boatmobile and The Mermalair, with 10 new fishy achievements to look for.
The SpongeBob SquarePants Special Pack DLC will be available for all game versions this summer, for USD$7.99 or your regional equivalent.
▍About Powerwash Simulator
PowerWash Simulator is about as simple of a concept as its title. You play as a powerwasher tasked with cleaning some absolutely filthy locations using your trusty power washing tools to clean everything up! Switch between multiple firing settings from wide for more coverage, or pin-point accurate for more power, as you clean up various locations and get paid to do so, earning you more items you can use to make cleanup a breeze!