Based on the comedy-fantasy manga written by Hiroshi Noda and illustrated by Takahiro Wakamatsu, the television anime adaptation No Longer Allowed In Another World will premiere sometime in 2024. Along with the announcement, a teaser visual and a promotional video were also unveiled.
No Longer Allowed In Another World follows the story of a certain famous author, notorious for his death wish, who is transported as an adventurer into another world. It is currently serialized on Shogakukan’s web manga site, Yawaraka Spirits, with the latest ninth volume set to be published on June 12.
Hiroshi Noda, the original creator, expressed his excitement over the anime adaptation. He stated, “The anime is finally happening! I had concerns about certain scenes, but I believe it has become an enjoyable anime with no issues. I had the privilege of visiting the recording sessions, and I was deeply moved by the passion of the production team and the cast. I’m looking forward to seeing the lively and speaking characters!”
Takahiro Wakamatsu, the manga illustrator, expressed his surprise and joy at the news of the anime adaptation. “I’ve been nothing but surprised and overjoyed as various decisions were made. The production team has been building this up carefully, and I can’t wait to see the finished product. I’d be delighted if you could watch both the anime and manga to see the adventures of our characters.”
▍No Longer Allowed in Another World Story
The series centers around the melancholic author Osamu Dazai, who is transported into another world in 1948, a time before video games were invented. Although being surrounded by cute girls and possessing video game-like powers may seem like a dream to many, it’s a different case for Dazai who would rather die a poetic death. Despite his continuous risks and adventures, everything seems to work out fine, much to his chagrin. This results in a unique, cheerfully bleak isekai comedy following a miserable yet surprisingly lucky hero.