Goddess of Victory: Nikke‘s summer event is coming to a close, but the new model of Nikkes will keep on coming, as the game announced it is starting its Nya Nya Paradise event on July 6.
The game will undergo maintenance on July 6, 11:00 to 18:00 [UTC+9], after which players can try out the new event bringing in the new SSR Tetra Defender Nikke Nero, and picking up Rapi’s Classic Vacation outfit for free by logging in for 21 days. The new Nya Nya story event will also be live, and players can spend all of their hard-earned money on trying to pick up Drake’s first new Villain Racer outfit from the game’s Costume Gacha.
▍Goddess of Victory Nikke: Nya Nya Paradise Event
Nero has been trying to rescue a kitten that was abandoned by its owner, and in the Ark, a living animal is an incredibly rare find. For some reason though it refuses to stay at the animal shelter. Now it’s up to the Commander and Nero to bring the kitten there.
Like with every other event so far it will be split up into two sections with normal, and hard difficulty stages and an event shop where players can exchange the currency earned from the event for recruitment vouchers, upgrade materials, and more.

▍Goddess of Victory Nikke New Character Nero
Nero is joining the game as the latest Defender Nikke from the Tetra manufacturer! This adorable (not) cat girl uses an SMG, and is a defender whose defense will continuously increase, while also providing buffs to the ally that healed her, and her Burst lets her taunt enemies while also granting her a powerful shield.

▍Goddess of Victory Nikke Login Bonus
As with each event the game’s offering login bonuses, with upgrade materials, 300 gems, 10x recruit vouchers, Tetra VIP tickets, and Kibble-Filled Bowls to help you raise Nero’s bond, or you can spend it on Biscuit. Notably this time the Day 6 bonus is a little better as it gives 24 hours worth of materials rather than 12 hours.

▍Goddess of Victory Nikke Villain Racer Drake
Matis’ poster girl and everyone’s favorite villain, Drake is also getting a brand new outfit! This outfit comes with a new Live2D animation set, brand new burst animation and voice lines!
The catch? Like with Rupee’s bunny outfit, Villain Racer Drake is only available through the game’s costume gacha, and if it’s the same as Rupee’s costume gacha, players may have to pay for the costume gacha tickets to have a chance at getting Villain Racer Drake.