On 17th September, during the Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair, Japan FGO Project officially announced that Fate/Grand Order for iOS/Android has reached 10 million downloads in Japan! In celebration of this milestone, there will be a celebration event as well as new story chapters.
▍Download Celebration Event.
To celebrate the 10 Million Downloads milestone in Japan, players who have completed the "特異点F 炎上汚染都市 冬木" will receive one free ★4(SR) of their choice. Players will be able to choose from the 42 SR characters as shown below:
Additionally, players will also receive 30 gems on 24th September from a previous retweet event.
Finally, the new chapters, Epic of Remnant "亜種特異点III, 屍山血河舞台, 下総国, 英霊剣豪七番勝負" are due out mid-October.