[Qoo News] Second PV & Game Details Released for Fate/Grand Order Arcade


Yesterday (7th December), Type-Moon released the second PV for Fate/Grand Order Arcard, their new arcade game based on the RPG title, Fate/Grand Order (FGO).


Fate/Grand Order Arcade

In the new FGO Arcade, much like FGO, players will play as a Master and summon Servants to participate in the Holy Grail War. Players will fight in teams of three to battle against enemies. Players can also join forces with other MAsters and participate in 3vs3 PvP battles. The goal of the game is to fill the Gauge, “撃破ゲージ”, at the top of the screen. Player’s team gauge will appear blue, and enemies will appear red. To fill the Gauge simply defeat enemies, players holding the Holy Grail will receive additional points when defeating enemies. To win the match, players will have to fill their team’s Gauge in the given time.

Fate/Grand Order Arcade

UI Breakdown

Fate/Grand Order Arcade

1. Player Status
HP: Health Pool. When dropped to 0, the next Servant will be swapped in.
NP: When at 100% players will be able to activate items.

2.Command Card
Tap the cards in order of use.

3. Skill
Tap to activate. Holding will show the skill’s Area-of-Effect.

4. Allies’ Info
Tap for detailed Ally Info

5. Kill Count, Holy Grail Gauge, Time Remaining.
Team with the highest Gauge Count will win when no team wins within the time limit.

6. Map
Can Alternate between Full and Detailed. The Compass locks the camera.

7. Mana
Gained over time.

8. Lock-on Target
During Attacks, players can mark which enemy to focus their attacks on. Enemies will glow Red when in attack radius. When enemies glow gold, it means it is the perfect opportunity to attack.

9. Enemy Info
Tap to check detailed enemy info.

10. Off-Screen Enemy Info
Displays off-screen enemy’s info. If marked by said enemies, an arrow will point to their direction.


Fate/Grand Order Arcade

The analog stick on the left will mainly be used for movement, and the buttons on the right will be used for attacks. In addition to movement, the analog will also allow players to dash. whilst enemies attack, tapping the attack button will allow players to block, special attacks and item attacks cannot be blocked.

Command Card

Fate/Grand Order Arcade

Just like the original, the game will feature three types of command cards: Quick, Arts, and Buster. Asides from the original chains, cards if players combo cards with special golden frames together, an additional attack will be activated.

Items and Special Attacks

Fate/Grand Order Arcade

When NP reaches 100%, pressing the item key will begin charging for an attack. Once fully charged, all enemies within the area will be attacked. Additionally, when enemies glow golden, servants will be able to unleash an unblockable attack.

FGO Aracde is currently being tested in Japan. the confirm date has yet to be confirmed. There is currently no news on whether or not the game will be shipped to other regions.

Official Site

28/11 FGO Live-Stream Vol. 8 Summary

elp6k3hPfqnB0kL4OolsUyyK4OhOyaqS8gQC1RhDlnusZrCwUTR4d7eC7HkYpQJMPQ Fate/Grand Order | Japanese Aniplex Inc. :
Fate/Grand Order | English Aniplex Inc. :