[Qoo News] Valentine’s Day Special: Anime Boys Giveaway Winners!


The Valentine’s Day Special: Anime Boys Giveaway has finally come to an end! Before announcing the winners, we wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day!

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If you have a date already, good for you. If you are planning to date multiple anime boys, good for you. If you are still looking for one, would you consider our butler Gilbert (CV: Yoshimasa Hosoya)?


Want more Gilbert? You can meet him in Login Exception.

Giveaway Winners

Three participants with the best answers have been chosen! They will each receive a Valentine gift of the series/character they like from us!

Let’s see what the winners have to say to reject their loved ones…

■ Maycy Vu18021408275742

You are absolutely right. I don’t want Kane-san’s worrying mother *looks at Horikawa* to barge into our place on Valentine’s day! – Elly

■ Hanakoemi Roronoa
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We could feel your anger even across the universe. Please accept our gift so you can feel better on this special day ^^ – Lily

■ Kimberly Quan


Don’t give up! It only takes some grinding and farming (perhaps a bit kakin) to return his love! Please continue your hard work and perhaps spare me some choco… *blush* – Mr. Qoo

The winners will soon be contacted by Mr. Qoo.

So that’s it! Please look forward to our next giveaway! (It could be anime girls, anime pets, or even anime aliens though.)

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