Mecha manga series Twin Signal has long been absent since 2001. Yesterday, the mangaka Sachi Oshimizu (大清水さち) started a surprise crowdfunding program for its sequel, and the target amount is met already.
Monthly Shonen Gangan first published Twin Signal in 1992. The sequel, Twin Signal Biennial (ツインシグナル バイエニアル), is made to celebrate the series’ 26th birthday. Oshimizu was looking for a four million yen fund for the project, but more than five millions have been raised so far.
Biennial takes place two years later than the events in the first series. A think tank is planning to make robots common for all. Nobuhiko Otoi and Chris Sine, who are now 13 and 19 respectively, then leave for a new adventure with Signal. On their way, they meet the successor of Pulse and a pair of sibling traumatised by previous accidents.
A sneak peek at the new character design is now available.
Twin Signal Biennial will be available on Medibang (web & app). The release schedule is not yet confirmed.
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