LOCKER Games’ new mobile tactical RPG, AlterRecord Adjustment (オルターレコードアジャストメント), is now available for download for iOS/Android!
Despite announcing that the game will be delayed on their official Twitter account on 23rd May, LOCKER Games still managed to release the game on schedule. Due to the urgent maintenances at the game’s launch, all players will receive compensation gifts upon logging in!
ご迷惑おかけしてしまい申し訳ございません。一刻も早く皆様に遊んでいただけるよう鋭意開発中ですので、何卒お待ち下さいますようお願い申し上げます。#オルレコ— 【オルレコ】オルターレコードアジャストメント公式 (@AlterRecordA_PR) May 22, 2018
▍Launch Celebration Rewards
In celebration of the game’s launch, on their first 10x summon, all players will receive at least one SR card or above. Additionally, there will also be a 7-day login bonus reward where players will receive the SSR character, Hannibal.
▲Before Evolving
Hannibal Barca was a Carthaginian general, who was considered one of the greatest military commanders in history. Hannibal plays a pivotal role in the Punic Wars. He is considered one of “Rome’s Greatest Enemy” alongside the Greek General Pyrrhus.
▲After Evolving
▍About the Game
The game is based on historical world events, with all the historical figures replaced with a female version. Players will have to team up with these female versions of historical figures to create a team to repel the enemy forces who are trying to change history!
• Characters & Pre-Registration Rewards