[Qoo News] Mobile Game Justive Monster Five Ends Service in March 2017



On 27th December, 2017 Square Enix made a shocking announcement saying that their pinball mobile RPG that is featured in their recent Final Fantasy title, Final Fantasy XV, will come to an abrupt end this coming March.16123012320116Reasons for the sudden termination was not stated in the announcement, only the schedule of termination was announced. Starting from 27th February, 2017 the sales in-game Golden Orbs will stop, the company also mentioned plans to reimburse unused orbs. The game service will terminate on the following month, 27th March, 2017.

For those who haven’t given the game a try, these next couple of months could be the last chance you’ll ever get.


elaTAOXPGUTqoNL2HTUI1YKkBY0h Justice Monsters Five SQUARE ENIX Co.,Ltd. :