[Qoo News] Unleash your Strategies Pre-Register for Triple Hearts Now


<<Official Triple Hearts Press Release>>

triple hearts

Triple Hearts is a Strategy game that will let you face the opponent in real-time battle. Design your army and display it on the battlefield to conquer the enemy in a 1-on-1 arena! Pre-registration has started head to the site for exclusive reward on launch date.

Gameplay revolves battling against other players in a 1-vs-1 arena. Summon your heroes and rally your troops to push the lanes. Achieve victory by killing 3 enemy heroes or destroy 2 enemy towers. Utilize your hero and army to outsmart your opponent for a chance of victory. Additionally, the game features a Ranking System that tracks your score alongside other players worldwide!



There are plenty of Heroes and Units to choose from in Triple Hearts, each with unique skill and abilities which can be upgraded to further enhance their powers. Come up with your own strategy, build the strongest deck, and challenge your enemies to become the Season Champion!




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