[Qoo News] Epic Seven First Major Update TLDR Summary


Today (14th December (GMT+8)), the global version of Epic Seven received their first major update. Patch Notes were last night (13th December). Here’s the TLDR summary of what the update brought!

New Characters

Normal Hero:

■ Kayron


– Single Target DPS
– Immortality Passive increase survivability & optimize damage output (once every 9 turns)
– Deal damage proportional to HP lost

ML Heroes:

■ Maid Chloe


– AoE Resurrect
– Heal per Turn based on % of Max HP

■ Assassin Cidd


– Dark Element DPS
– Passive makes it easy to snowball after the first kill

New Artifacts



– Heal ally with the lowest % of Max HP each time caster uses S1.



– Buff S1. Good for Silk

Recalling Heroes


With some of the meta heroes being nerfed in the update (R.I.P Holy Trinity), Players will be able to recall the heroes who are being nerfed, i.e. Ravi, Tiera, Chruch of Ilryos Axe, Mucacha, Rikoris, Elson, Kiris. Recalling will refund all the resources you have spent on that hero, prior to the update. This will allow you to use the resources on another hero to make up for the loss. Recalling will only be available for affected characters over level 50.


Additionally, the same can be done to the artifact, Sashe Ithanes (combat readiness after each kill). After the update, the effects of this artifact will be halved.

To recall the hero/slash artifact, simply select the hero/artifact and tap the recall button.

Raid Labyrinth


The new raid labyrinth is a new labyrinth that requires two labyrinth compass to enter. Players will have a week to clear the labyrinth. At the beginning of the week (Monday) all players who cleared the Raid Labyrinth will receive additional rewards.

Raid Labyrinths will have unique bosses that will reward players with a variety of different items.


Requirements: Clear 5-9 Peiata Roa on World Difficulty (Red)


– 4★ & 5★ Character Stat Increased
– New item sets Unity (Dual Attack chance up), Immunity (immunity at beginning of the battle), and Rage (attack up if the target has debuff)
– New limited Kayron Challenge
– Various character buffs and nerfs (full list here) (Holy Trinity no longer works)

Patch Notes New Things

Patch Notes Changes

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