[Qoo News] Luffy VS The Worst Fugitive! One Piece Stampede New Movie Poster Reveals!


One Piece latest feature film, One Piece Stampede (ワンピース スタンピード), recently revealed a new poster, showcasing the epic fight between Luffy (ルフィ) and his new enemy Douglas Bullet (ダグラス・バレット).


Illustrated by the original manga author Eiichiro Oda (尾田栄一郎), the poster also showcases Luffy joining forces with Law (ロー), Baggy (バギー), Hancock (ハンコック), Smoker(スモーカー), Sabo(サボ) and Lucci (ルッチ). The dream team is formed to stop the conspiracy of fugitive Douglas Bullet, also known as Demon Heir, a former member of Gol D. Roger’s crew.

The character appears to be gunning for the One Piece treasure which the last King of the Pirates left behind, but he will have to battle against the alliance of pirates, marines, Seven Warlords of the sea, Revolutionary Army and CP-0.





Oda also serves as creative supervisor and character designs of the antagonists. The movie will hit the Japan’s theatres on 9th August.


The world’s greatest exposition of the pirates, by the pirates, for the pirates – the Pirates Festival. Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hat Crew receive an invitation from its host Buena Festa who is known as the Master of Festivities. They arrive to find a venue packed with glamorous pavilions and many pirates including the ones from the Worst Generation.



The Festival hosts a suspicious competition, which provides clues to find the hidden treasure of Gol D. Roger. The Straw Hat Crew joins the competition joyfully, later do they know that they are involved in a huge conspiracy.




Film Original Characters

■ Douglas Bullet (ダグラス・バレット) – CV: Tsutomu Isobe (磯部 勉)
He is a former member of the Gol D. Roger’s crew who was imprisoned in Impel Down but successfully escapes.


■ Buena Festa (ブエナ・フェスタ) – CV: Yūsuke Nakayama (中山 裕介)
Known as “Master of Festivities”, Festa is a promoter for the Pirate’s World Fair who invites the Straw Hat Crew.


3rd PV

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