Based on the manga series Kemonomichi (けものみち), written by Natsume Akatsuki (暁なつめ) and illustrated by Mo-suke Mattaku (まったく モー助) and Yumeuta (夢唄), TV Anime “Rise Up! Animal Road’” (旗揚!けものみち) confirmed to premiere on 2nd October 2019.
With animation by ENGI, the series is directed by Kazuya Miura (三浦 和也), with Touko Machida (待田 堂子) handling series composition, and Tomoka Noumi (能海 知佳) designing the characters.
Professional wrestler and animal lover Shibata Genzo (柴田源蔵) is suddenly summoned to the Isekai. Greeted by a princess, she requests him to get rid of the evil beasts roaming in this world. Outraged that he was asked to kill beasts that he loved the most, Genzo suplexes the princess. Unable to get back to his world, he decides to live a peaceful life and manage a “monster” pet shop.
▍Characters and Cast
■ Shibata Genzo (柴田源蔵) – CV: Katsuyuki Konishi (小西克幸)
■ MAO – CV:Tetsu Inada (稲田徹)