During Anime Expo 2019, Bandai Namco held a panel named “Future of Digimon”, in which, the company revealed the opening movie to the upcoming Digimon RPG, Digimon Survive.
Following the convention, today (23rd July), Bandai Namco uploaded the revealed Digimon Survive opening movie to their YouTube channel in different regions alongside the entire Anime Expo “Future of Digimon” panel.
▍Opening Movie (EN Subs)
▍Future of Digimon Panel
▍About the Game
Digimon Survive is a survival RPG based on “Choices” and “Evolution”. The story revolves around a survival adventure of a group of young boys and girls who are lost in an alternative world. The individuals must fight alongside Digimon in order to survive and return to their own world. Digimon Survive is the first survival simulation RPG of the Digimon series. Player’s choices will determine how the story flows and the evolution of each Digimon.
Digimon Survive is slated for 2020 for Nintendo Switch and PS4.