[Qoo News] War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Officially Launches! Final Fantasy Tactics Collaboration Confirmed!


SQUARE ENIX TRPG War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (WAR OF THE VISIONS ファイナルファンタジー ブレイブエクスヴィアス 幻影戦争) officially releases today (14th November).


The game finds similarities to the original Final Fantasy Tactics game for the Playstation and its remake for the PSP, Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, which is known for its distinctive art style and grid-based strategic gameplay.


Players can take the adventure with the Leonis twin brothers in the huge universe. The game also features a fully-voiced main story.



The game’s combat utilizes a turn-based tactical system set on 3D fields with different levels of elevation. Players can unleash different abilities of the characters, as well as limit burst when the gauge reaches its fullest. Many mobile features like an auto-battle button are also included.



Players can craft and equip weapons to different characters. It features a character class system, which allows players to customize characters into various roles. JP is used to learn new abilities within each job class and new jobs are unlocked by attaining a certain level in the current job class. There are more than 19 jobs available.



Vision Card and Guardian function will be available after clearing the main story. Quest and PVP battles are also available.



Final Fantasy Tactics Collaboration

Collaboration events with Final Fantasy Tactics were also announced, though details are not yet announced.



Read More

■ War of the Vision: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Reset Marathon

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