[Qoo Guide] War of the Vision: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Reset Marathon


War of the Vision: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is out and servers are running! Here are some of the things you need to know for your reset marathon.


Reset Marathon Overview


The process of re-rolling in War of the Vision takes approximately 10 minutes per try. The first 10x summon comes after clearing the first two tutorial stages. During this summon it is possible to get multiple UR characters.

The game currently has 10 UR characters and the drop rate for UR characters is 2% (excluding the UR guaranteed gacha pool with paid gems).

The game doesn’t feature any in-game reset functions, so to wipe your data, you’ll have to uninstall and reinstall the game.

The most optimal start will be getting 2 UR characters with one being Rank SS


Reset Marathon Steps

1. Install
2. Tutorial 10x Summon (Can obtain multiple UR)*
3. 10x Summon using Pre-registration rewards
4. If you don’t get the UR characters you want, repeat from step 1

*You can also choose to reset at this point

Recommended Characters

SS Rank

■ Gilgamesh (ギルガメッシュ)

Has CT control skills that allows greater control over the battlefield
Has mobility and damage
Has passive Float (浮遊) status
the only other unit, asides from the protagonist, who can equip Excalibur (pre-registration gift weapon)

■ Mediena (メディエナ)

High magic damage
Ninja subclass lowers chance of being targeted
Has a range of AoE spells

■ Macherie Hourne (マシュリー・ホルン)

Has cleanse + resurrect
Subclasses allow off-DPS role
Has AoE spells

■ Ayaka (アヤカ)

CT control
AoE spells

S Rank

■ Sterne Leonis (シュテル・リオニス)

High physical damage
Damage output focused character
Ninja subclass lowers chance of being targeted

■ Erde Leonis (エルデ・リオニス)

Attacker with buffs

■ Engelbert

Tank class
A lot of useful defensive skills

10x Summon after 1-10

Additionally, upon clearing stage 1-10, players will also be rewarded with a 10x summon.

More guides will be posted soon, stay tuned!

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yCipD2GGDo545I3Up1pu mdykAxN2oihN MdEg53FkbbCrXRRvqcWtuPIMDQE1lNCQ WAR OF THE VISIONS FFBE | Japanese SQUARE ENIX Co.,Ltd. Rate: 3.7 Install