[Qoo News] New Mixed-Media Project “IDOLY PRIDE” ft. sphere and TrySail


Cyber Agent’s subsidiary QualiArts announced today (27th November) that it is launching a new mixed-media project “IDOLY PRIDE” (アイドリープライド) with Music Ray’n and Straight Edge. The official website reveals the key character visuals, main cast members and staff.

More info will be released in a live program streaming on Abema TV, YouTube Live and niconico live (ニコニコ生放送) on 9 December, 19:30-21:00 (JST).



This project is idol-themed (not surprisingly), stressing “No one starts from the spotlight. They all start as a nobody. Only way there is to prove that she is a true idol.”.


The original stroy is provided by Jukki Hanada (花田十輝) (LoveLive!), Yoshino Minase (水澄佳希) from QualiArts and Kaoru Adachi (安達薰) from Straight Edge. QP:flapper (Girlish Number, Girl Friend Beta
) is in charge of the character design, with MusicRay’n and QualiArts co-work on the music production.

Voice Cast


The stellar voice cast includes acclaimed voice actresses from sphere and TrySail: Haruka Tomatsu (戸松遥), Minako Kotobuki (寿美菜子), Ayahi Takagaki (高垣彩陽), Aki Toyosaki (豊崎愛生), Momo Asakura (麻倉桃), Sora Amamiya (雨宮天) and Shiina Natsukawa (夏川椎菜). Further cast members will be selected from the 3rd Music Ray’n Super Voice Actor Audition. Please stay tuned on Twitter for the latest updates.


Official Site

Official Twitter

kQTQlDMmkH L5zih zJCItQf1F7UgNKTQrNzZkVKKgHQfO VoJsoSGpkkEHjYhrGWyQ IDOLY PRIDE | Japanese QualiArts, Inc. Rate: 4.6 Install