Asobimo’s upcoming mobile MMORPG Eternal (エターナル) announced today (20th December) on Twitter that the third CBT is scheduled for February 2020. It is currently recruiting 30,000 beta testers in total (iOS and Android). The release date is also postponed to early 2020.
▍3rd CBT
There are three newly added systems in this beta test: Guild (軍団 ギルド) that can have up to 50 players, “Marketplace” (取引所) where players can trade their items and equipment, and “Battlefield” (戦場) where players can have a 15 vs. 15 real-time battle.
▲ Guild (軍団 ギルド)
▲ “Marketplace” (取引所)
▲ “Battlefield” (戦場)
Also, there are more maps and dungeons in this version. According to the official announcement, it is fairly close to the final version of the game.
▍CBT Hardware Requirements
iOS: iPhone 6S or later, iPad 5th Gen or later
Android: snapdragon835 or higher, Android7.0 or later
▍Main Characters and Cast
■ Rembrandt Reemer (レンブラント) – CV: Kaito Ishikawa (石川界人)
■ Melissa (メリッサ) – CV: Aoi Yabusaki (悠木碧)
■ Aster Givenfield (アステル) – CV: Aguri Onishi (大西亜玖璃)
■ Shiranui (シラヌイ) – CV: Maki Kawase (河瀨茉希)
■ Evelyn Wellsinker (エヴリン) – CV: Kayuki Matsumoto (松本花雪)
■ Valgar Gravis (ヴァルガー) – CV: Ryo Sugisaki (杉崎亮)
ETERNAL is a 3D CG MMORPG smartphone project by Asobimo and is touted as the culmination of Asobimo’s 11 years experience since launching MMORPG Iruna in 2008. The game features character design by renowned illustrator Yoshitaka Amano (天野喜孝), who is known to commission illustrations for the popular video-game franchise Final Fantasy.
The game centers around the war between Nordania, a catholic country lead by the humans, and Ordo, the allies between different ethnicity. Players will play as the protagonist, who battle against different dark creatures and protect his country from the invasion of Ordo.
■ Opening Theme song: PHILIA by Luna Sea