[Qoo News] Rayark’s “Soul of Eden” Mobile Game Confirms Release Date on August 26! Details of the Four Factions Revealed!


Rayark announces that its upcoming smartphone game “Soul of Eden” will release globally on iOS and Android platforms on 26th August 2020. To celebrate its pre-registration reaching 500,000 milestones, details about the game’s four major factions and aesthetic style are revealed.




“Soul of Eden” is a real-time strategy, battle-focused card game, which allows players to utilize diverse deck combinations of their choosing, all for the sake of achieving victory in 4-minute long battles.

Upon the launch, the game will include more than 130 cards. Besides the neutral cards, the cards follow four major factions: the Republic, Alien, the Empire, and the Beasts, each with their own individual battle styles, special attacks, and distinctive aesthetic designs.

Since the units featured in Soul of Eden each possess a variety of overlapping skills and effects such as Taunt, Active Skills, Passive Skills, and more, this allows for a multitude of variations in strategy and control.


The Four Factions

■ Gardis/Republic
After a long period of civil war, the humans established the Gardis Republic to seek for prosperity and peace. Designed with a modern, sci-fi feel and an emphasis on armed troops, the aesthetic design of the Republic focuses on dark blue mechs and a fire powered militia. Since Soulstone technology is the driving force behind the Republic, shiny green components representative of Soulstones are a common sight on many units.


▼ Representative Character: Furi
She can restore the HP of all ally units. She also has a special twin pistol attack, which causes AoE damage and stuns the enemy.


■ Lurkein/Alien
A secret human experiment gone awry caused the transformation of X’inn… and the awakening of the Lurkein. The most terrifying traits of the Lurkein are their endless numbers and the multitude of methods they use to massacre their enemies: Suck their blood dry, weaken their bodies, corrode the prey and devour whatever is left. As such, the base color for their aesthetic design is purple, paired with a green that goes with their varying attacks and effects.


▼ Representative Character: The Berns sisters
They stun enemies in the surrounding area with their haunting voice as well as regain HP through their attacks, making them a difficult opponent to take down.


■ Saarn/Beasts
Saarn is an alliance that was formed by unifying an array of Beast tribes. The Beasts are masters at close quarter, hand-to-hand combat. When things are getting hairy, their “Enrage” power greatly increases their fighting abilities. Add to that the healing power of mother nature and you’ve got warriors that just can’t be kept at bay. The aesthetic design of the Beasts focuses on earth tones and utilizes an array of tribal motifs and materials.


▼ Representative Character: Trample
Once Trample’s HP goes below 50%, the ax in his right hand starts swinging at an insanely rapid rate; when the healing staff in his left hand is raised, all allies on the battlefield can feel its effects.


■ Veritas/Empire
The theocratic state of the Veritas Empire possesses not only the exquisitely trained Empire army, but also the miracles of magic. The Empire possesses unique, magical weaponry. Coupled with magical enhancement spells, their arms and the militia that bear them become a force to be reckoned with. The Empire’s aesthetic design has a red flag and accompanying gold armor at its core. Similar to the Republic, some units are equipped with Soulstone components.


▼ Representative Character: Jacob
As soon as Jacob senses an enemy, his powerful sword swinging skills can be called forth to slice the enemy to pieces. At the same time, under the leadership of this mighty man, his allies fighting abilities will be massively increased.


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Soul of Eden Rayark International Limited Rate: 3.7 Install