In their usual Special Program broadcast, miHoYo showcased Genshin Impact’s Version 2.5 Update, “When the Sakura Bloom,” which is set to release on February 16, 2022.
In this update, a darkness of unknown origins is looming in the recently opened Enkanomiya area, bringing unprecedented challenges. On the other side of Inazuma, the story of the Raiden Shogun continues, followed by the Story Quest of Yae Miko and her arrival as the latest five-star character.

▍Genshin Impact Version 2.5 “When the Sakura Bloom” trailer
▍Three Realms Gateway Offering
The main event of Version 2.5, “Three Realms Gateway Offering,” will ask players to explore an area based on Enkanomiya that is haunted by unknown darkness. While inside the area, characters will continuously accumulate corrosive darkness. A special gadget, the Bokuso Box, will be given to help resist the corrosive darkness, gain new abilities, and take down certain monsters.
The event will last the entire duration of Version 2.5, providing players with an ample amount of time to fully explore every corner and claim rich rewards including Primogems and the new 4-star catalyst weapon, Oathsworn Eye.
▍Event Wish Roadmap
During the first phase of Version 2.5, a new character, Yae Miko, will be available for players to wish for on the Everbloom Violet banner. After her banner ends, Phase 2 will kick in, with two banners: Reign of Serenity featuring Raiden Shogun and Drifting Luminescence, featuring Sangonomiya Kokomi. Both banners in Phase 2 are reruns.
Yae Miko, the head shrine maiden of the Grand Narukami Shrine, will be joining Genshin Impact as the new five-star Electro Catalyst user. With her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst, Miko is capable of providing both constant damage off-field and high burst damage on-field.

▍Create Your Own Domains?!
In the “Divine Ingenuity” event, players will be able to create their own domain. Participants of this event will be able to customize their own domains with a variety of terrain, mechanisms, traps, buffs and completion criteria. Moreover, players may also try out other players’ domain designs.

▍A Sneak Peek At Version 2.6
In the Special Program, a sneak peek at a brand new area of the Map, called The Chasm, were revealed. Not much was revealed about it, other than the fact that the developers have confirmed it will be making an appearance from Version 2.6 and onwards.

Furthermore, a new character design was revealed on the official Twitter. After being shrouded, the fans were finally greeted to the design of Kamisato Ayato. While his English, Chinese and Korean voice actors have yet to be revealed, the Japanese Twitter revealed that he will be voiced by Akira Ishida.