[Qoo News] Shiro Neko Project 1000th Day Celebration!


From 29th Aril until 19th May, COLOPL’s hit mobile game Shiro Neko Project (白猫プロジェクト) will be celebrating their 1000th-day milestone (##白猫シェアハウス Season1) with new special event missions and gachas.


The new event revolves around the game’s characters using Share House as a way of living and interacting with each other. Players will be able to do a series of chores as missions to earn event-exclusive coins (ウェイ) to create their own Share Home and progress deeper into the story line.


Additionally, players will be rewarded with the four-star character "シズ(CV:日岡なつみ):アーチャー)" after progressing beyond a certain point in the story. A four-star "スニャホれっど" bow weapon can also be obtained during the event period.

During the event period, a special event gacha will also be introduced to the game, featuring three new heroes: "シャルロット (CV: 内田真礼): ウォリアー: Lightning Attribute", "ルカ (CV:茜屋日海夏): ランサー: Water Attribute", and "レクト (CV:村瀬歩): クロスセイバー: Fire Attribute".

Shiro Neko Project Season1 PV


White Cat Project | Japanese COLOPL, Inc. Rate: 4.4 Install