Ikki Tousen: Extra Burst Celebrates 2nd Year Anniversary With Up to 100 Gacha Pulls


Marvelous celebrated the 2 years of services of Ikki Tousen: Extra Burst since it launched in 2020! To celebrate, four huge presents will be gifted to all players. These include free pulls, rewards, and many more!

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Free 10-Pull Where All Characters Are SSRs!

A special gacha ticket has been sent to all players. This ticket is special, because it will give you access to a special tenfold where all of the units you pull will be an SSR! All past SSR events are also included in the pool!

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Up to 100 Pulls! Daily Free Tenfold Gacha

The free pulls continue as starting today, players can enjoy a login bonus where every day, you can pull a free tenfold on the gacha, for up to 10 times! That’s 100 characters in total!

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Ikki Tousen: Extra Burst 2nd Anniversary Login Bonus

1500 Dragon Orbs will be given to all players who login on the game today!

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Furthermore, players will also receive indispensable items such as Master’s Teachings (SSR) and Reprint Exclusive Coins!

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New Limited Character: Guan Yu 

In the new Garden of Sunshine Burst Fest Gacha, players can obtain the limited-time character Guan Yu! She’s also the first character to feature the new “Burst Change” mechanic, which is capable of changing the battle BGM, background and can even change how the battle behaves!

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Ikki Tousen: Extra Burst Main Story Chapter 12 Part 2

Part 2 of Main Story’s 12th chapter is now available! You can obtain Dragon Orbs by reading the new scenario featuring Guan Yu.

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