Bandai Japan announced its latest addition to the Tamagotchi Nano franchise, with the new Spy x Family Tamagotchi where you take care of your own little Anya! Play minigames, dress her up in cute outfits, and grow your own little telepathic daughter. Don’t neglect Anya for too long though, or else…
The product will be available from December 17, and details on the product can be found on their official website. More details on what the Tamagotchi can do will be revealed over time!
▍Spy x Family Tamagotchi Previews
The toy comes in two colors, a green one based on the anime’s color scheme with images representing the characters, and one based on Anya wearing her school uniform! Can you recognize all the items on the green Tamagotchi?

▍About The Spy x Family Tamagotchi
You’re tasked with taking care of Anya Forger as she stays inside your Tamagotchi! Depending on what you feed her, what games you play, and how her mood is, you can have Anya dress up in outfits that she wears in the story, and you can even unlock two unique outfits exclusive to the Tamagotchi toy.
Feed her dinner, or her favorite peanuts, play minigames like the school dodgeball, or spy word match to make her happy! Depending on how well you treat her, she’ll even express her moods from happy, to sad crying and her adorably smug smile!
Progress far enough and you can even meet up with the characters from the show, like Loid who will rip off his disguise just like in the anime! Make sure you don’t leave Anya alone for too long though, or else she’ll get sad and run away from home.