Based on the novel series of the same title, anime series Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight AXIS (機動戦士ガンダム Twilight AXIS) will get six episodes starting from 23rd June. The second preview video is also now available.
The first episode will be delivered via Gundam Fan Club, GUNDAM.INFO, Yatate Bunko, Bandai Channel and YouTube for free. The remaining five episodes will available exclusively to Gundam Fan Club on every other Friday. Except for the last episode that is about eight minutes, the first five episodes are about three minutes.
Twilight AXIS follows the aftermath of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn. Principality of Zeon dispatches two researchers, Arlette Almage (Risa Shimizu) and Danton Hyleg (Shuhei Sakaguchi), to investigate Axis, and the team is attacked by an unknown party.
Official website: